It is considered the oldest and most popular alcoholic drink in the world. Barley is most often used for brewing beer, but wheat, corn, rice and millet are also used. Among all beverages, beer ranks third in global consumption. There is only water and tea in front of him.
The alcohol content of beer can vary greatly and usually ranges between 3% and 30% by volume.
Beer is usually drunk from glass glasses, but can also be drunk from clay, porcelain or tin mugs.
When pouring beer, the external appearance and taste of the beer is played by its pouring.
The stability of the foam and the amount of carbon dioxide in the beer depend mainly on the angle at which the glass is turned, the pouring speed and the amount of propellant gas.
Beer contains alcohol, which is why it has the same effect on health as other alcoholic beverages if its consumption is abused. However, moderate consumption of beer, similar to consumption of other alcoholic beverages, can reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack.
A Japanese study conducted in 2005 showed that beer with a low alcohol content reduces the risk of cancer. Nevertheless, excessive and long-term consumption of alcohol can lead to alcoholism and liver diseases.
Beer contains vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6), many carbohydrates, proteins, flavonoids and also antioxidants.
In addition to vitamins, beer also contains the minerals phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, sodium and fluorine. It also contains trace elements copper, manganese, zinc, aluminum and iron.
Yeast is also a rich source of vital substances that are also present in beer. It is because of the presence of these substances that beer is often called “liquid bread”. Some research has shown that filtered beer has much less of these substances.
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