Brittle and weak hair

Brittle and weak hair is often the result of various factors, such as poor care, use of strong chemicals, excessive styling with hot tools (dryers, irons), nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes and environmental stress (sun, wind, pollution).
Useful tips:
- Regular haircuts:
Regular removal of split ends prevents further breakage and maintains a healthy structure.
- Proper hair care:
Use mild shampoos: Avoid shampoos that contain sulfates and other harsh chemicals. Choose natural, nourishing shampoos instead.
Hair conditioners and masks: Regularly use deep conditioning conditioners or masks that restore moisture and elasticity to the hair. Oils such as coconut, argan or olive can be very nourishing.
- Avoid excessive heat:
Limit the use of hair dryers, irons and curlers. If necessary, use heat protection products to minimize damage.
- Nutrition:
Protein: Hair consists of keratin (protein), so it is important to include enough protein in your diet (fish, eggs, nuts).
Vitamins and Minerals: Deficiencies in iron, zinc, vitamin D, biotin and omega-3 fatty acids can weaken hair. Add more fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to your diet.
- Gentle hair treatment:
Combing: Use a wide comb and comb the hair gently, especially when it’s wet, because that’s when it’s most vulnerable.
Terry towels: Don’t rub wet hair with a towel, rather pat it gently to reduce breakage.
- Avoid stress:
Stress can affect hair growth and cause excessive shedding. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga can help reduce stress.
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