
2 min reading time

Dandelion is an herb that is also known as taraxacum officinale. It is a widespread plant that is often found in meadows and gardens. in lawns, gardens.

Dandelion has many medicinal properties and is often used in folk medicine.

The leaves, roots and flowers of dandelion can be used to prepare teas, tinctures, salads, soups and other dishes.

The root is the most useful. Otherwise, all parts of the plant contain a sticky edible milky juice with medicinal effects.

Fresh dandelion is used as a salad, which facilitates metabolism and helps cleanse the blood. Dandelion has no characteristic smell and has a bitter taste.

Some of the benefits of dandelion include:

1. Cleansing the liver:

– dandelion can help cleanse the liver and stimulate the elimination of toxins from the body.

2. Stimulating digestion:

– eating dandelion can help stimulate digestion and relieve problems related to the digestive system, such as bloating, flatulence and constipation.

3. Detoxification:

– due to the diuretic properties of dandelion, it can help eliminate excess water from the body, which can help with detoxification.

4. Source of nutrients:

– Dandelion contains many nutrients, including vitamins A, C, K, folate, potassium, calcium and iron.

5. Immune system support:

– antioxidants in dandelion can help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from free radicals.

In addition, when picking dandelion in the wild, it is important to make sure it has not been exposed to chemicals or pollution.
Despite these benefits, it should be noted that dandelion can cause allergic reactions in some people, so it is advisable to check for possible allergies before using it.