Do you know how to dry your hair properly?

Proper drying of hair is important to maintain its health and prevent damage. Improper drying methods can cause breakage, split ends and dry hair.
Tips for proper hair drying:
Gently pressing and drying with a towel:
– Use a soft towel: it’s best to use a microfiber towel or an old cotton t-shirt, as these will rub your hair less than regular towels.
– Do not rub your hair: gently squeeze your hair with a towel to remove excess water. Rubbing can cause hair breakage and split ends.
Combing wet hair:
– Use a comb with rare teeth: when hair is wet, it is more sensitive. Therefore, it is important to use a comb with rare teeth or a brush designed for wet hair.
– Start at the ends: gently start combing at the ends and gradually move towards the roots to prevent tangling and breakage.
Natural hair drying:
– Let your hair air dry: If you have the time, the healthiest thing to do is to let your hair dry naturally. This way you avoid heat damage.
– Don’t go to bed with wet hair: sleeping with wet hair can cause knots and breakage. Try to at least partially dry them before going to bed.
Using a hair dryer:
– Low heat and power: If you must use a hair dryer, set it to low or medium heat and power to reduce the risk of damage.
– Use a diffuser: a diffuser is especially useful for curly hair as it helps distribute heat evenly and reduce frizz.
– Keep your distance: keep the dryer about 15-20 cm away from your hair and keep moving it around to avoid overheating a single spot.
Additional tips
Avoid excessive use of heat devices: Limit the use of irons, curling irons and dryers, as excessive use of these devices can damage the hair.
Regular visits to the hairstylist: Cuting your ends regularly helps prevent split ends and keeps your hair healthy.
Healthy diet and hydration: A proper diet rich in vitamins and minerals and adequate hydration are key to hair health.
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