Juicing fruit and vegetable juices

super easy

Drinking fresh organic fruit and vegetable juices every morning is extremely healthy as it helps detoxify the body, purify the blood and all body tissues.

Fresh juices feed cells and tissues the fastest, supply us with minerals, vitamins and enzymes, which pass into the blood much faster than if the same amount of vegetables and fruits were consumed in solid form.

Which vegetables and fruits you juice is your choice. I like cucumber juice or celery juice, which is extremely healthy, but the taste takes some getting used to.

If just vegetable juice is too strong for you, you can add some fruit to it to soften the taste. Just one apple or lemon, orange completely changes the taste.

My favorite combination

  • cucumbers
  • an apple
  • lemon
  • celery leaves
  • ginger
  • chard
  • water
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